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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

To Sir, with LOVE.

             One of the attitude i most hate about myself is hiding my real feelings. Especially when it comes to someone of the opposite sex. I met this man approximately 2 years ago, he's quite older than I and when I first saw him, I thought he's so boring, without a sense of fashion, UGLY. I was wrong. By the way, my name is Roxanne Lewis. A junior high school student from the bay town. Okay, this man I was talking about was a fresh college grad substitute teacher from a prestigious school in our town. 

                  In the middle of the school year, the Glee club opened its way to new members and because I love performing, I auditioned for it. And it so happened that the person-in-charge of the group was the new teacher. By the way his name was Steven Anderson. At the back of my mind I thought, "Oh my God this arrogant-looking guy? I'm gonna die." Well then, I don't care about him anyway, he's not even the reason why I was there. And so, I auditioned and luckily became part of the Glee club. 

                   My first few weeks as a member became so good. I introduced myself to them formally and each of them as I look in they're eyes were so glad and makes me feel overwhelmed as they welcomed me in the club. Being the club's new member, they threw up a small party for me. We ate some pizza while having a good conversation with them. Tell some stories, had fun, etc. And guess what I've found, it was all the idea of our club adviser, Mr. Anderson! "How sweet of him..." I thought. And that begins a good relationship between my teacher and the group.

                  As time goes on, the Glee club seems to be like a huge family. We care and love for each other, and in every time we were in a school competition, the after-show celebration/hang-outs follows. Every time we go out, Mr. Anderson always contributes a big share. We'll watch movies, go to a party, had a sing-a-long night, he'll tell stories as we'll tell ours. Then I came to realize that I liked him. But as a student, I know my limitations. He's my teacher and we can't be together as lovers. I know what kind of shame would it give us, and so I just kept my feelings. And in order to avoid myself to drown with these feelings for him, I stayed away from him. The usual became unusual. Our usual conversation was lessened. I stay away when he's around.

              I hate to do this but I have to. Even though it hurts. He has his own life as well as mine. I decided to get out from the club not telling anyone about my feelings. I just told them that I lost my passion in performing for some unexplainable reasons. It's the right thing to do, to stay away from him. But since then, every minute, every second of my day, it was him I was thinking of. It even affected my study habits. I can't sleep at night because every time I close my eyes, it was his face, his eyes, and his smile I always see. 

           Have I did the right thing? Was it really love I'm really feeling? I don't know, but I have to... LET GO.

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