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Friday, March 25, 2011


Teaching is one of the toughest, challenging yet the most fulfilling and worth working profession in the world.  The attitude of the students these times might be far different from the generation of the students before but I salute my teachers 'coz they're never giving up just to bring out the best in us. And to give credits to what they instill in us, this blog is for them! :)

Mr. Angelito O. Victor

          The coolest TLE teacher I'd ever had. Earn points, win a gift prize! Plus bookmarks! I'm gonna miss you sir! Thanks for being such a good teacher and for making things light for us. For the corny jokes that made us laugh out loud! And for allowing us to do our other homeworks when we have free time! ;)  God bless you always and take care! :)

Mrs. Erlinda C. Jolloso

             I must admit, I thought you were so strict. But I was wrong when I finally understand why you seemed so terror or should I say disciplinarian during our class. That's because you want us to learn and cope up with every lessons that you teach.  Thank you ma'am for always giving the best for us and I'm so sorry for the times I failed in your class. May God continually bless you with good health and long life! [Avoid too much sweets! ;)] Love you, ma'am! :)

Mrs. Eleanor J. Cruz

           To the most beautiful and kikay Filipino teacher in JSMJC campus, ma'am Leah! I will surely miss you lalo na po yung pang-aasar niyo. haha! Thank you ma'am for always giving us the motivation during our class discussion. Sorry if there are times I've disappointed you with my scores in exams and quizzes... I promise to o better in college! God bless you ma'am! :)

Mr. Nelson C. Cruz

            Of all my math teachers, you're the only one who proved that NOT all Math teachers are terror. ;] Before, I used to hate math because I knew from the start it was my weakness. That thought was changed when you became my teacher. Di niyo kasi ako sinukuan turuan. Hehe. I may always fail in this subject but I know there'll come a time that I'll be better with it! T.a.E nga po eh 'di ba? :)) Thank you, sir! God bless you always! :) 

Mrs. Nelita C. Candelaria

         Tita Nelia/Tita Candy! Thanks for all the stories you've shared with us that made me realize the importance of being a person with a noble character and Christ-centered living! May God continually bless you and your ministry! :)

Ms. Jocelyn Z. Rondilla 

        Ma'am Joy! Thanks for making our English class lively, fun, and exciting! Of all the English teachers I've met, you're the one that I'll never forget. Thanks for taking time to listen with our thoughts, the way we feel about this, and that. For caring as if you're our mother, giving advices like a friend, and riding-in with our insanity. haha. hep hep hep.. You still owe me a price for being the spelling bee champion! ;) I'll never forget the scent of your perfume! Malayo pa lang, amoy na amoy na, at alam nang ikaw po yun! hehe! God bless you always, ma'am! Hope you find you're one true love. :] 

Ms. Rizza Esguerra

       To our new JSMJC Chorale conductress' Ms. Rizza, I just wanted to say thank you for keeping yourself patient whenever we're so unattentive and stubborn during our rehearsals. Sorry for being like that. Sorry for the times that we would compare you to our former conductress. I know it'll take time for the remaining choir members to adjust in your system of teaching but sure, God will make a way for them to understand you more and love you as much as we loved Prof. Fuentes.  Thanks for those unforgettable memories with you, those wacky moments when we're vocalizing and rehearsing. May God bless you more with love, patience, wisdom, and strength! :)

Prof. Edith C. Fuentes

          Ma'am Edith! I thank God for giving me a chance to be one of your voice talent. Imagine, a former MADZ singer would be my choir conductress for almost 2years? :) It might be a short time but it's an honor for me to fulfill my dreams as a member of the performing arts group of the school with you. I never regret my choice of leaving my first organ to chorale. Because of you, I learned to sing and memorize a song in just a few minutes. I've learned the importance of music. Thanks for letting me know the versatility of my voice when you've transferred me from Soprano to Alto. You made me love music and singing soo much! As much as I want to be a pro-musician! :) No words can express how grateful I am to you! I hope we could sing more songs together! God bless you ma'am! :)

Mr. Roel P. Libramonte

           The Mr. Multi-Talented man. ;] Thanks for being like our big bro in the Advocate. I must admit, I never looked at you as a teacher 'cause your cool and was just like playing with and taking care of your little brothers and sisters (you've not been my English teacher though, how I wish). hehe! I can see my ate Laura in you. Through your endless stories that made me laugh, learn, and cope up with. Thanks for your endless treats, sa movie, pagkaen, kwento, at jamming! :)) Kung alam ko lang na bang saya pala sa Advo, sana noon pa lang sumali na ko. hehe. thanks po sa trust, for making me one of its Managing Editors. Sorry po if there are times that I've bothered you with my dramas in FB/GMs. haha! I hope we could still have more jamming, eating, and gala times together with the group though we've already graduated. God bless you more! Go, GLEE club! hahaha! ;]]

Dr. Reynaldo D. Faustino

           Sir RDF! Thanks for everything! For being one of your daughters in the class. I'll never forget all your sermons and stories on how to be and how to become. Sorry for the times that I failed you. I may not be as good as my other classmates, but in my heart I know that God has something better for me in college. I'll make it sure that I'll make you proud and will always carry all the lessons I've learned from you. Again, thank you so much sir! God bless you more with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control! Love you, dad! :)

And to all my teachers from 1st-3rd year, thank you so much for being part of my journey in my high school years. None of your efforts would be wasted and they will be all kept in my heart and life. As I take another step higher, you'll be in my heart forever! God bless you!

To The Sumulong Advocate and The JSMJC Chorale family, 
       Thanks for the memories, the lessons learned, and unforgettable experiences! I'll surely miss you all! :")

The Sumulong Advocate
The JSMJC Chorale

"When all is said and done, to thee I shall return."

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